Documentary and art, professional and amateur films, made on a film or a video, any duration, created at any time in any country, taking part in any festivals, shown on any tv-channel or at any cinema can take part in the "Irpen film festival". The important requirement is the absence in a context of films of propagation of violence, racism, chauvinism, pornography, sexual and other distortions, political propaganda.
The organizers reserve the right to itself to not include in the program of the festival some films without detailed explanation of the reason.
During selecting works for participating in the festival, organizers give preference to independent filmmakers, non-commercial movies, alternative vision of cinema (not mainstream).
The festival entry is free and open for everyone.
The quantity of movies sent by one author is not limited.
All materials will be kept in archive of the festival and will not be returned to authors.
Movies are accepted on DVD (DVD-Video, PAL) by regular post or by downloading from the web (preferably mpeg2). You should send us the dialogue list (with timecode) in English separately. If you will not send the list of dialogues or author text, we will not be able to translate it into Russian. In this case the probability of your participation in the competitive program of the festival will highly decrease.
The festival is a non-commercial action.
There is no money compensation to the participants for the works at the festival.
The organizers do not cover any charges on participation in the festival of the participants and visitors.
The spectators can be present on viewing of all films. An entrance is free for everyone.
If necessary organizers can help to reserve hotel reservations and prompt how to reach city.
Before beginning the festival will be issued an electronic journal with complete description of all films.
After ending the festival the final laser disk with the best films is issued.
If you send film for participation in a festival, it means, that you agree with all rules and ready to fill the entry form.
The main prize - "Golden Film".

All movies authors of the competitive program are awarded with the diplomas of the festival.
Ten advantages of the «Irpen Film Festival»:
1. IFF is the unique independent noncommercial festival, without any support of State and private companies; participating in the IFF you will never advertise any sponsors or partners.
2. IFF is the most democratic festival without jury; best films are elected only by spectators.
3. IFF arranges free screenings of all films belonging to competitive and non-competitive programs; all activities related to the festival are also available and free of charge for all the visitors.
4. IFF takes to review not only movies made recently, but also old films made at any time.
5. IFF has an individual approach to each author and film, and is always open to informal dialogue with everybody.
6. IFF gives comprehensive information about authors and their films to spectators of the festival and visitors of the web-site.
7. IFF has its own Movie Library; thanks to it visitors can watch films of authors who granted such opportunity.
8. IFF annually releases DVDs with collections of festival movies, it's free of charge to all visitors who come to the festival, including spectators and authors.
9. IFF arranges retrospective screenings in different cities of Russia and Ukraine.
10. IFF is a partner of the festival Grand Off; best movies are nominated for the best European independent film.
The organizers of the festival: