June 11, 2016
Festival is under reconstruction. Next edition will come later.
March 23, 2015
Dear friends, these are hard days for Ukraine, that's why we decided not to do festival this year. We will keep you updated. Thank you for your mails and don't hesitate to send us your "One second every day" and trailers!
November 26, 2014
Irpen Film Festival announced two competitions during its 11 edition. We would like to suggest it also for filmmakers and all our web-site visitors. So...
#1. One second every day. This idea has been taken from wonderful movie by Jon Favreau "Chef". Shoot a couple of second of your real life each day, using your smartphone or any other device with camera. Then put video on timeline all together and send us. We decided to accept all films, despite the quality and content (of course if it's in line with basic principles of our festival). Maximum lenght of movies to this competition - 3 minutes. Deadline for sending videos - May 31, 2015.
#2. Trailers. If you are shooting movie, being on any phase of production, make a trailer and send us. Movies, represented by winners, will be selected to competitive program of the Irpen Film Festival. We believe, this would inspire and speed up some independent filmmakers, who has no time limits, set by budget and producers.
Waiting for your works and questions!
November 17, 2014
11th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - Emmanuel Plasseraud "Trans-Siberian travel with Montaigne" (France)
2 place - Vladimir Kozlov "Rock-Monolog" (Russia)
1 place - Eugene Viktorov "A journey into the subconscious" (Russia)
2 place - Zuzana Brachaczkova "You Are So Lucky!" (Czech Republic)
1 place - Hana Kotlarova "Lovebook" (Czech Republic)
2 place - Sabina Sagadeeva "A Chest" (Uzbekistan)
The best movie "Trans-Siberian travel with Montaigne" by Emmanuel Plasseraud (France) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
Dear authors, thank you for the participation in the IFF and for your wonderful movies!
November 1, 2014
Electronic journal with complete description of all films..
October 27, 2014
Competitive program has been selected.
18 movies in 3 nominations.
16th of November.
Winner by spectators voting.
Main prize - "Golden Film".
All participants of competitive program will also receive diplomas of the festival in electronic format.
Program of the IFF-11..
June 17, 2014:
Thank you to all authors who sent movies to the Irpen Film Festival. Selection will be during this Summer, results will be published on the web site of the festival and in the mailing list not earlier than in September. Eleven IFF will take place in October or November, no dates are available at this moment.
April 26, 2014:
Due to technical problems with festival web-site, all who sent entry forms during 21-24 of April and didn't receive a copy of the form on e-mail, please fill it again. Entry form..
Other news: five new movies in the Movie Library. Alternative world!
December 29, 2013:
Happy New Year!
Wish you much joy and inspiration with cinema!
Being concerned about current political situation in Ukraine, we decided to add a special nomination within the IFF-11: the best movie about revolution. If you ever made a film about such events, no matter if it's documentary or fiction, join the festival!
November 3, 2013:
IFF calls for the entries!
Join the IFF-11 until 31st of May, 2014. We are waiting for your movies! Fill the form..
April 25, 2013:
14 new movies in Movie Library! Collection of ultra-short films includes almost 9/10 of all movies from IFF-10 nomination. Enjoy watching!..
January 11, 2013:
Many questions about the date of IFF-11 and entry form's opening oblige us to share festival's plans with you. Well, 2013 will be dedicated to retrospective screenings in different places, first of all in the citadel of the festival - Irpen city. Every month we will show the best movies to native population and visitors. First retrospective program will take place at 30th of January.
IFF-11 will start in 2014. Entry form will be opened since this autumn.
Stay in touch, we will publish many new wonderful films in Movie Library soon!
July 8, 2012:
The best films of the IFF-10 will participate in Grand Off 2012 (Warsaw, Poland) at the end of November and will be screened on the Abuja International Film Festival (Abuja, Nigeria) as a 9th retrospective program of the Irpen Film Festival.
Movies have been selected by Irpen Film Festival this year are the following:
"Pawnshop" (Neshka Karadzhinska, Bulgaria, 2011)
"A Mysterious Fish" (Giovanni Maccelli, Spain, 2008)
"Out of Erasers" (Erik Rosenlund, Sweden-Denmark, 2011)
"You Shall Not Leave the Way!" (Veronika Szemlova, Czech Republic, 2011)
"Loser Leg" (Francesco Filippi, Italy, 2010)
"0507" (Ben and Chris Blaine, United Kingdom, 2010)
"The Piano" (Levon Minasian, Armenia-France, 2011)
"Every day" (Sergey Twob, Ukraine, 2012)
"Morning Songs" (Thi-Von Muong-Hane, Vilakone Phachanthavong, Chongkham Phonekeo, Laos, 2009)
"New pictures from Mars" (Rune Eriksson and Erik Eriksson, Norway, 2010)
"Guang" (Quek Shio Chuan, Malaysia, 2011)
We wish all our nominees much luck and victories! Retrospective programs..
June 3, 2012:
10th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
Ultra-short film:
1 place - Rune Eriksson and Erik Eriksson "New pictures from Mars" (Norway)
2 place - Sergey Twob "Every day" (Ukraine)
3 place - Nikolay Bondarchuk "Dialogue" (Hungary)
Alternative world:
1 place - Quek Shio Chuan "Guang" (Malaysia)
2 place - Francesco Filippi "Loser Leg" (Italy)
3 place - Veronika Szemlova "You Shall Not Leave the Way!" (Czech Republic)
1 place - Thi-Von Muong-Hane, Vilakone Phachanthavong, Chongkham Phonekeo "Morning Songs" (Laos)
2 place - Levon Minasian "The Piano" (Armenia-France)
3 place - Ben and Chris Blaine "0507" (United Kingdom)
The best movie "Guang" by Quek Shio Chuan (Malaysia) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
Dear authors, thank you for the participation in the IFF and for your wonderful movies!
May 27, 2012:
Electronic journal, video-trailer and poster are ready. Welcome!
May 19, 2012:
The program of the Tenth Irpen film festival is selected.
10 movies in each of 3 nominations will participate in the competitive program of this year festival.
IFF-10 will take place in June, 2nd.
Besides the competitive program, many best movies from previous years of Irpen film festival will be screened during the jubilee festival. And one more bonus for our spectators: retrospective program of one minute movies from "theoneminutes" (The Netherlands), especially for screening during IFF.
In the near future we will publish the electronic journal with details about movies and its authors, and now offer you to know more about the competitive program..
April 1, 2012:
Thank you all who participate in IFF-10! Entry form is closed now, and we are starting selection competition. It will continue till the middle of May. After that we will publish electronic journal of the festival with detailed information about all winners of the first part of the IFF-10, whose movies will be included to competitive program of anniversary festival. Come back later..
Now we offer you to watch a couple of new movies in the Movie Library. Scroll down..
March 4, 2012:
New movies from the IFF-9 in the Movie Library. Enjoy em..
And don't forget that you can submit your movie untill the end of March! Join now..
If you have already submitted and sent us your movie, you can check on-line if we receive your DVD. Check it out..
Just for our subscribers: if you are a gmail user, please add our e-mail to your contact list.
December 14, 2011:
Irpen Film Festival calls for entries!
This year nominations:
ultra-short film (one minute)
alternative world (science and non-science fiction)
comedy (no comments)
Join the IFF-10 until 31st of March, 2012.
We are waiting for your movies!
Join the festival..
July 16, 2011:
Short video about 9th Irpen Film Festival is already created by Vladimir Zarypov (Ukraine). It's a really crazy story! Watch it!
June 5, 2011:
9th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - "Bastagon and the Rainbow Princess" (Marc Schlegel, Austria)
2 place - "Lose this child" (Yuval and Merav Nathan, Israel)
3 place - "Run Granny Run!" (Nikolaus von Uthmann, Germany)
The best movie "Bastagon and the Rainbow Princess" by Marc Schlegel was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film". Details..
Dear authors, thank you very much for the participation in the IFF and for your beautiful movies!
May 27, 2011:
Electronic journal of the IFF-9 is open to inspection.
May 24, 2011:
Date of the Ninth Irpen film festival is 4th of June.
The festival will be held in Irpen minimalism spirit. One day and no nominations.
Electronic journal coming soon, the program of the IFF-9 is already published.
April 11, 2011:
Bets are made. No more bets. After 2 weeks Irpen Film Festival will start the selection of this year competitive program, which will be selected and published at the end of May.
Also today we are finishing publications of IFF-8 movies of those authors who wanted and allowed this. Enjoy the movie of the last year festival's winners Alessandro Capitani & Alberto Mascia - "Dream Man".
April 1, 2011:
Deadline for Entries of IFF-9 has been reached. Don't be upset, you can submit your movie to the IFF-10, entry form will be opened since this summer. And don't forget, that we have no limits for the year of production! If you would like to be informed about the opening of this on-line entry form, just join the mailing list of our festival..
For those participants, who made entry in time, we have short notification: please don't forget about the postmark deadline (April 11). We are waiting for your movies!
March 29, 2011:
Only 3 days are left for entries to the 9th Irpen Film Festival. The postmark deadline is 11th of April. Waiting for your movies and starting competitive selection! Meanwhile you can enjoy the tragicomedy by Neslihan Siligur - "Black".
March 15, 2011:
Let us remind about weekly publication of IFF-8 competitive films in the Movie Library. This week you can watch animation by Marcin Dabrowski - "Hexaemeron"..
Also please be noticed that you can find the status of receiving of your movies by the festival. Just open the IFF-9 web-page and try to find your name!
February 28, 2011:
100 films in the Movie Library of the Irpen Film Festival!
Untill the end of March we will increase this number by new movies from the IFF-8.
This week you can watch the wonderful film directed by swedish director Daniel Wirtberg "Love Child"..
Don't forget, that deadline for entries to IFF-9 is the end of March. Don't be late, join the festival now!

December 31, 2010:
IFF calls for the entries!
Join the IFF-9 until 31st of March, 2011. We are waiting for your movies! Fill the form..
As a New Year's gift to every cinemaddict - new independent movies in our Film Library. Have fun..
7th retrospective programme of the Irpen Film Festival called "From Amateur to Professional" is planned to be screened in Ukraine and Russia. The program consists of 7 movies - winners of the IFF-8. Details..
November 27, 2010:
IFF-9 page is created for those authors, who had already sent movies to the next year festival. Find your name..
New Amateur movies from the IFF-8 are published in the Movie Library. You can watch them on-line or download in best quality for your private collection. To the bottom of the list..
September 2, 2010:
Grand Off 2010 (4th edition) will take place in Warsaw at the end of November as usually. Movies have been nominated by Irpen Film Festival this year are the following:
"One step" (Fariz Ahmedov & Nargiz Bagirzade, Azerbaijan)
"Loneliness" (Artak Paytyan, Armenia)
"Love Child" (Daniel Wirtberg, Sweden)
"Sad Colors" (Stanislav Leschenko, Ukraine)
"Uncomfortable" (David Salas, United Kingdom)
"Before War" (Jared Katsiane, USA)
"Untitled time travel film" (Paul Fuller, United Kingdom)
We wish all our nominees much luck and victories!
Also we have started new service for the visitors of IFF web-site: on-line Movie library. Realtime video is getting more and more popular, so we decided to offer two parallel ways of watching of movies. You can do it on-line or download films for your private collection. The first experiment is the movie of IFF organizers - "She?" (with english subtitles). Watch on-line..
August 29, 2010:
8th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - "Love Child" (Daniel Wirtberg, Sweden)
2 place - "One step" (Fariz Ahmedov & Nargiz Bagirzade, Azerbaijan)
1 place - "Dream Man" (Alessandro Capitani & Alberto Mascia, Italy)
2 place - "The Boots" (Sergey Velikoredchanin, Russia)
1 place - "Chronicles of the Wolfperiod" (Vladimir Zarypov, Ukraine)
2 place - "Sad Colors" (Stanislav Leschenko, Ukraine)
1 place - "Just for today" (Jan-Eje Ferling, Sweden)
2 place - "Uncomfortable" (David Salas, United Kingdom)
The best movie "Dream Man" by Alessandro Capitani & Alberto Mascia (Italy) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
Dear authors, thank you for the participation in the IFF and for your wonderful movies!
August 7, 2010:
Eighth Irpen film festival will take place in August, 28-29.
Day 1st: grand opening, program screenings, spectators voting and awards.
Day 2nd: short movie shooting featuring participants and spectators of the IFF.
June 20, 2010:
Electronic journal with complete description of all films is finalized.
Deep into detailes..
June 1, 2010:
The program of the Eighth Irpen film festival is selected.
32 movies from 18 countries will participate in the festival this year.
IFF-8 will take place at the end of August, 2010. Date and time will be determined later.
Check the program..
April 1, 2010:
Submitting to the IFF-8 is over. There is a new IFF-achievement had been reached: 322 movies from 56 countries.
If you missed the deadline for entries by any reason, there was opened an entry form to the IFF-9 for you! Fill the gap..
March 26, 2010:
The postmark deadline is shifted to April 11.
March 1, 2010:
Fiction movies from IFF-7 in the Movie library. Enjoy..
The only month left to submit an entry form to IFF-8. Welcome and don't be late! Join..
February 15, 2010:
6th retrospective programme of the IFF: "Cinema-utopia". Where and when..
December 18, 2009:
Experimental movies from IFF-7 in the Movie library. To watch..
December 1, 2009:
Irpen Film Festival calls for entries! Join the IFF-8 until 31st of March, 2010. We are waiting for your movies! Fill entry form..
Video about the IFF-7 is already on the web. This movie was done by one of IFF-7 participants, Pavel Lankin (Druzhkovka, Ukraine). It's based on the trip of participants from the South-East of Ukraine to the Irpen Film Festival. Download video..
September 20, 2009:
Two years have passed since Movie Library of the IFF has been started. Today you can find more than 70 movies in different genres from 18 countries. The latest update is Documentary nomination of the IFF-7. Welcome..
August 20, 2009:
New animation in the Movie library. Marked as bold..
July 23, 2009:
Grand Off 2009 will take place in Warsaw at the end of November. Movies nominated by Irpen Film Festival are the following:
"Be oneself" (Viacheslav Pereviazko, Ukraine)
"Free Flight" (Federico Martin, Germany)
"The attack of the robots from Nebula-5" (Chema Garcia Ibarra, Spain)
"Latent Beauty" (Mohsen Khodabandeh, Iran)
"Mobile Postcard" (Peter Vadocz, Italy)
"The pink cloud" (Masoud Ghodsieh, Iran)
"Hey" (Guy Ben Shetrit, Israel)
By the way, since this year Grand Off will be the World Off Awards. We wish good luck to our nominees and hope that they will win!
June 23, 2009:
New retrospective programmes. Your movies will live forever!
Winners of the IFF-7 are already in the Movie Library. At the foot of page..
June 14, 2009:
7th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - "The painter of skies" (Jorge Morais Valle, Spain)
2 place - "The pink cloud" (Masoud Ghodsieh, Iran)
1 place - "Latent Beauty" (Mohsen Khodabandeh, Iran)
2 place - "A day in Bazaar" (Jalal Mehmannavaz, Iran)
1 place - "Mobile Postcard" (Peter Vadocz, Italy)
2 place - "Tehran 318" (Soran Mardookhi, Iran)
1 place - "Be oneself" (Viacheslav Pereviazko, Ukraine)
2 place - "Angels die in the soil" (Babak Amini, Iran - Iraq)
The best movie "Be oneself" by Viacheslav Pereviazko (Ukraine) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
June 1, 2009:
Electronic journal of the 7th Irpen film festival with complete description of all films and information about authors has been already published.
Go into details...
May 26, 2009:
Pre-selection finished, the program of the Seventh Irpen film festival has been completed.
«7x7» - it's not the only seven years of life and sevenfold growth of the festival.
«7x7» - it's also 77x7 minutes of screening of 7õ7 movies in 7 nominations.
So, here it is!
May 16, 2009:
7th Irpen film festival will start on 13th of June. The program will be completed and published at the end of May.
The conception of the IFF-7 is "7x7", so the quantity of nominations is expanded up to 7:
1. Documentary.
2. Animation.
3. Experimental.
4. Fiction.
5. Deep underground.
6. Pro.
7. Insiders of the IFF.
New documentary in the Movie library - chronicles of the IFF-6. Unfortunately it's in Russian only, but you can feel the main idea of the festival by watching the pictures too. You can download the film in cool (160Mb) or economical (25Mb) quality..
April 1, 2009:
Deadline for entries on participation in the Seventh Irpen film festival has been passed. We received 275 entries from 45 countries, it's our new record! If you didn’t apply the entry form in time, don’t be upset, there are no restrictions on time of making of movies: we have got films created during last 20 years (since 1989 till 2009). If you made your movie even earlier, please send it to us!
If you have not sent us your DVD by post, you can do it during next week (up till 7th of April). Please check your name in the list of received films. If it’s missing, but you sent your movie two weeks ago or earlier, we recommend you to send it again. In case of any questions please don’t hesitate to contact organizers of the festival.
Check the name..
Also we would like to announce some experimental films from non-competitive program of the IFF-6 in the Movie library:
58. "Motion" (Robin Whenary, United Kingdom, 2001)
59. "Blow" (Ulo Pikkov, Estonia, 2008)
60. "Juddha - 1970AC" (Kowalczyk Olivier & Morel Gregoire, Switzerland, 2007)
61. "Tokyo rock'n'roll" (John Canciani, Switzerland, 2007)
Attention! We would like to carry out a small poll of visitors and subscribers. Could you please answer some simple questions, it will help us to improve our approach to making of news:
- Do you usually read news of the Irpen film festival?
- Which news are you interested in?
- Do you prefer to receive short news often or larger news seldom?
- What can you offer to make our web-site and news better?
Thank you in advance for your answers!
Send answers..
February 1, 2009:
Winter holidays over, it's time to get back to work!
Today we announce new fiction films from "IFF-6" in our movie library. New films are on the bottom of the table. Counters have been updated, so if your movie is already in the library you can check the statistics of downloads. Check it..
December 31, 2008:
Happy New Year! We wish you much joy and inspiration in the filmmaking!
Bonus for our friends: IFF club on Facebook.com. Join it..
December 19, 2008:
Page of Seventh Irpen Film Festival has been opened. You can find an actual statistic of entries, geography of the festival and the list of received films, as a service for authors. This page will be kept updadated as soon as new entries and films will come, but not less than once a week. You can try to find your name..
The list of friends and partners of the IFF also will be published on the new page. Make sure..
There were found ten advantages of the IFF. Find out..
November 25, 2008:
Irpen Film Festival trip will start from Grand Off in Warsaw tomorrow and will finish at Another Territories in Donetsk, where the retrospective screening will take place in the beginning of December. You can follow us thanks to popular international service by LiveJournal. Join our community and come closer to IFF! Check it..
November 18, 2008:
Irpen Film Festival calls for entries! Join the IFF-7 until 31st of March, 2009. We are waiting for your movies! Fill entry form..
October 23, 2008:
New experimental movies from IFF-6 in the Movie Library. To have fun..
October 3, 2008:
As a partner of GRAND OFF - European Off Film Academy (Poland) Irpen film festival nominate following movies for the best off films in categories the best director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, editor, actor, actress, the best feature, animation and documentary film:
"Òhå Guides" (Konstantin Kolomiychenko, Ukraine)
"In scale" (Marina Moshkova, Russia)
"Picture" (Eugene Krasnov, Agrentina-Russia)
"Kite Rescue" (Rune Eriksson/Eriks Eriksson, Norway)
"A Trouble by the Lake" (Slava Feofilaktov, Ukraine)
"Farewell" (Irena Skoric, Croatia)
Good luck all the participants from Irpen film festival!
More about Grand Off..
June 23, 2008:
Some best photos from "IFF-6". To look..
June 8, 2008:
6th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - Marina Moshkova "In scale" (Russia)
2 place - The tiny fish "Sergei Ryabov" (Russia)
1 place - Eugene Krasnov "Picture" (Argentina)
2 place - Liubou Zhuromskaya "Butterfly" (Belarus)
1 place - Slava Feofilaktov "Molfar Nechay" (Ukraine)
2 place - Ambrus Emese "Viva Constanta!" (Romania - Hungary)
1 place - Iryna Markova "Happy rain" (Belarus)
2 place - Andrey Zhuk & Evgeniy Bovsunovskiy "Barmaglot" (Ukraine)
3 place - Simon Buettner "HenriOrange" (France - Germany)
The best movie "In scale" by Marina Moshkova (Russia) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
May 29, 2008:
Electronic journal with the complete description of all films of the 6th Irpen Film Festival.
May 22, 2008:
"Generate a positive!" - the competitive program of the 6th Irpen Film Festival.
April 1, 2008:
Deadline for the entries on the 6th Irpen film festival passed.
The amount of entries is 168 films from 40 countries.
IFF-6 will take place in the beginning of June 2008.
The competitive program will be selected and published on the web-site of the festival after 27th of May.
February 4, 2008:
Irpen Film Festival calls for the entries! Join the IFF-6 up till 31st of March. We are waiting for your movies!
Fill entry form
December 21, 2007:
Attention! New documentary video about 5th Irpen Film Festival. Author's movie by Nikolay Bondarchuk (Kiev, Ukraine).
Free download (100 Mbytes)
November 26, 2007:
The third retrospective screening of movies from "IFF" will take place in Donetsk (Ukraine) on the 8th of December, 2007.
November 16, 2007:
The second retrospective screening of movies from "IFF" will take place in Vytegra (Russia) on the 17-18th of November, 2007.
October 20, 2007:
22-28. October. Sweden. 26th Uppsala International Short Film Festival.
Irpen Film Festival will represent Ukraine on this traditional annual European holiday of cinema.
Seven days of short films, round tables, master classes, dialogues with filmmakers, organizers of festivals from different countries, professors of arts and fans of cinematograph.
26th Uppsala International Short Film Festival..
September 20, 2007:
For the time being we are starting the new non-commercial project called "Movie library of the Irpen Film Festival".
The purpose of this project is in creating of independent movies collection, which had taken part in competitive programs of the different
years Irpen Film Festival; for popularization of these movies, the festival and independent cinema in whole.
Films will be published on the official web-site of the festival for free download. By the author's wish the information about authors and their
films or links to their web-sites can be published too.
If you would like to become the participant of the project "Movie library of the IFF", please fill the application and send it on the festival post address.
Application form..
Movie library..
September 16, 2007:
Some best photos from "IFF-5". To look..
August 31, 2007:
Irpen film festival was invited to become an official partner of the GRAND OFF European Off Film Academy (Poland).
From 2007, every year members of the Academy will chose the best off films from the following categories:
the best director, scriptwriter, cinematographer, editor, actor, actress, the best feature, animation and documentary film.
In December 2007 in Warsaw on the official award ceremony 9 best off film realized in Europe in 2005 and 2006 will receive honorable statues.
Off films are independent films. By independent films Academy means european non-professional films realized by amateurs
or film students with maximum 2 years of film education not supported by the film school.
Of course, it's a lot of conditions, besides potential participants from IFF had to send the signed entry form with allowing
of noncommercial using of their films for promotion purposes.
Here is the programme of IFF for Grand Off:
"gizmo_girl2089" (Vincent Chabrillat, France, 2006)
"Growing through waiting" (Ingo Schiller, Germany, 2005)
"Lupe & Bruno" (Marc Riba & Anna Solanas, Spain, 2005)
"Shaking Life" (Peter Vadocz, Hungary, 2006)
"She?" (Sergey Twob, Ukraine, 2005)
"Sphere" (Dmytro Starusev, Ukraine, 2006)
"Striptease" (Natalya Belyaeva, Russia, 2006)
"The postman" (Nikolay Bondarchuk, Ukraine, 2006)
Good luck all the participants from Irpen film festival!
More about Grand Off..
June 24, 2007:
5th Irpen Film Festival awards by Spectators:
1 place - Marc Riba & Anna Solanas "Lupe & Bruno" (Spain)
2 place - Mark Vetrov "Autumn" (Ukraine)
3 place - Olga Kazanova "Angel" (Russia)
1 place - Olga Kazanova "Êðåùåíèå" (Russia)
2 place - Jean-Gabriel Periot "200000 fantoms" (France)
3 place - Jam "Infected" (Ukraine)
3 place - Peter Vadocz "Colorful EU" (Hungary)
1 place - Mahmood Noori "Doit" (Iran)
2 place - Dimitry Gridin "Crisis" (Russia)
3 place - Natalya Belyaeva "Striptease" (Russia)
The best movie "Lupe & Bruno" by Marc Riba & Anna Solanas (Spain) was awarded by the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film".
June 10, 2007:
Electronic journal with the complete description of all films of the 5th Irpen Film Festival.
May 21, 2007:
The competitive programme of the 5th Irpen Film Festival was selected.
May 15, 2007:
"Irpen film festival" has created the Retrospective Programme, which will be shown in Ukraine and Russia.
April 1, 2007:
Deadline has passed for the entries on the 5th Irpen film festival.
The amount of entries is 122 films from 32 countries of the world.
IFF-5 will pass in the middle of June 2007.
The competitive program will be selected and published after May, 27.
Important information for those who hasn't sent films or filled entry form up till today:
The reception of entry forms for the participation in 6th Irpen film festival began.
We invite everybody to join the festival!
Fill the online entry form..
march 3, 2007:
Video called "Free current of events of the IFF-4". Edited by jahndra (Donetsk, Ukraine). Based on materials given by 2B and Mark.
Free download (25 Mbytes)
december 22, 2006:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! get greeting card..
november 17, 2006:
Video chronicles of the 4th Irpen film festival (photography and editing by Mark Vetrov, Donetsk, Ukraine).
Free download (25 Mbytes)
august 31, 2006:
The reception of entry forms for the participation in 5th Irpen film festival began. IFF-5 will pass in the beginning of summer 2007. Deadline for Entries: March 31, 2007. We invite everybody to join the festival!
Fill the online entry form..
august 17, 2006:
Smiles of the 4th Irpen film festival:
short music video movie "Festival smiles", based on chronicles of the IFF-4.
Free download (19 Mbytes)
july 10, 2006:
4th Irpen Film Festival awards by Jury:
Anatoly Lavrenishin (Ukraine) is awarded for the win in the nomination "Animation" for the "Wandering between...".
Peter Vadocz (Hungary) is awarded for the win in the nomination "Experimental" for the "Shaking Life".
Cheung Kwok Man (Hong Kong) is awarded for the win in the nomination "Documentary" for the "Graffiti and Home Movies".
Emmanuel Marshall (Australia) is awarded for the win in the nomination "Fiction" for the "Brolly".
4th Irpen Film Festival award by Spectators (the main prize of the festival - "Golden Film"):
Ingo Schiller (Germany) for the "Growing through waiting".
june 23, 2006:
Final competitive program of the 4th Irpen Film Festival. read..
june 1, 2006:
Deadline has passed for the entries on the 4th Irpen film festival.
The amount of entries is 108 films from 36 countries of the world.
The competitive program will be formed and published after June, 19.
may 18, 2006:
Full version of Competitive program of "IFF-4". read..
march 3, 2006:
Competitive program of "IFF-4". read..
september 8, 2005:
English version of the site of "Irpen Film Festival".
august 11, 2005:
Some best photos from "IFF-3". To look (~1 Mb)..